Install Ajax Toolkit In Visual Studio 2005.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Technologies That Make Up Ajax

Based on this general umbrella term, take a look at the specific items that make up Ajax:

@  XmlHttpRequest—XmlHttpRequest allows the browser to communicate to a back-end server.
This object allows the browser to talk to the server without requiring a postback of the entire
web page. With Internet Explorer, this capability is provided by the MSXML ActiveX component.
With the Mozilla Firefox and other web browsers, this capability is provided by an object
literally called XmlHttpRequest. The XmlHttpRequest object is modeled after the MSXML
component. The client-side JavaScript libraries hide the differences between the various browser
environments. Sometimes these communications are done through a hidden FRAME or IFRAME.

@ JavaScript—JavaScript provides the capabilities to communicate with the back-end server.
The JavaScript must be version 1.5 or later. Although JavaScript is not specifically required, it
is needed from the standpoint that JavaScript is the only client-side scripting environment supported
across the major modern web browsers. There are other client script languages; however,
these are not supported across all browsers.

@ DHTML/DOM support—The browser must support the ability to dynamically update form
elements, and the ability to do this in a standard way comes through the support for the
Document Object Model (DOM). By supporting the DOM, it becomes easy for developers to
write a single piece of code that targets multiple browsers.

@ Data transport with XML or JSON—Using XML allows for the ability to communicate with
the web server in a standard mechanism. There are situations where the JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) is used as the communication notation instead of straight XML.

As Per My Knowledge : Rajesh Panchal 

New Technology : Visual Studio Lightswitch

Advantages of Ajax

The advantages of Ajax over classical web based applications are:

@ Asynchronous—Ajax allows for the ability to make asynchronous calls to a web server. This
allows the client browser to avoid waiting for all data to arrive before allowing the user to act
once more.

@ Minimal data transfer—By not performing a full postback and sending all form data to the
server, the network utilization is minimized and quicker operations occur. In sites and locations
with restricted pipes for data transfer, this can greatly improve network performance.

@ Limited processing on the server—With the fact that only the necessary data is sent to the
server, the server is not required to process all form elements. By sending only the necessary
data, there is limited processing on the server. There is no need to process all form elements,
process the viewstate, send images back to the client, and no need to send a full page back to
the client.

@ Responsiveness—Because Ajax applications are asynchronous on the client, they are perceived
to be very responsive.

@ Context—With a full postback, the user may lose the context of where they are. The user
may be at the bottom of a page, hit the Submit button, and be redirected back to the top of
the page. With Ajax there is no full postback. Clicking the Submit button in an application that
uses Ajax will allow the user to maintain their location. The user state is maintained, and the
user is no longer required to scroll down to the location that he or she was at before clicking

Microsoft - Lightswitch

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Introduction To Ajax

Ready To Learn About this thing called AJAX. But what exactly is it? 

The term AJAX refers to a loose grouping of technologies that are used to create dynamic, interactive web contents.

The Term AJAX originally coined by Jesse James Garrett of Adaptive Path in his

It's bit of mouthful, but it's simply describing a technic that uses JAVASCRIPT to refresh a page's content from a 

web server without having to reload the entire page. This is different from the traditional method of updating web pages, which requires the browser to refresh the entire page in order to display any changes to the content.

Some high profile examples such as. Google Maps , GMAIL , Backpack , Flicker  have allowed these kinds of highly interactive web applications to begin to gain traction in the development world.

This is just about the AJAX.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Install AJAX Controls Toolkit In - Visual Studio 2010.

First of all when you are going to install Ajax Control Toolkit in VS-2010, then first thing you have to remember - in visual studio 2010, you can install the Ajax control toolkit version 2 also but that will create some problem. (At the time of using these controls)  So better to use this one you must have to use Ajax Control Tool Kit 4 in Visual studio 2010.

You can download Ajax Control Toolkit 4 form this link : Click Here For Download

Once Download completed just extract it into your folder.

Walk Through to this steps for installing.

Step:1 Add New Tab, By right click on any control's category (like- Data, General).

Add New Tab

 Step:2  By right click on the made tab (like - Ajax Controls) select the - "choose items" for choosing your .dll file  from your computer.

Choose Items

Step:3 Now you just have to browse, and find that downloaded file with extension .dll and click on OK button. For installing your AJAX controls toolkit on your system.

Choose Your DLL File

Like This Way You Need To Attach

 Step:4 After Click on OK button, you can find the components in your Toolbox inside your made Tab (ex. Ajax Controls) and you can easily use it as per requirement. 

Show the Components.

 Thanks You For Choosing To read My Blog. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Add AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio 2005.

Here i have shown some of the steps to add AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio.

To add Ajax Toolkit, we need to download AjaxControlToolkit.dll

Download The Ajax Control Toolkit. Click here.

Now follow the steps to add AjaxControlToolkit in VS-2005.

Step:-1. Open the visual studio 2005, and Go for "create new web application" and follow the next steps.

Step:-2. By right click inside toolbox make one new tab, then enter name like "AJAX".

Step:-3. Now right click on the tab "AJAX" and select Choose items to add AjaxControlToolKit.dll file.

Step:-4. Now locate the AjaxControlToolKit.dll over here and apply to complete this operation.

You have competed now completed the all of the required steps and now you can use the included sample controls in your visual studio 2005.

Thanks for being here... :-)

Friday, July 23, 2010

How to install ajaxtoolkit in visual studio 2005.

Here i have shown some of the steps to install Ajax Toolkit in visual studio 2005.

Before Adding Ajax Toolkit In VS-2005, you need to run a setup file "ASPAJAXExtSetup". This will help you to get AJAX Extensions in your Toolbox.

Download ASPAJAXExtSetup within a click here.

Follow the simple steps to install AjaxExtSetup.

Step:-1 First run the .exe file and then do as follows.

Step:-2 Now, Accept the terms and and go for next.

Step:-3 After the completion of above steps, you can automatically access the Ajax extension in Visual Studio 2005. You can show under.

Thus, how you can use the facility of Ajax Extension and experience the difference... :-)